Unfortunately, it's a difficult hurdle to overcome considering the Dawnbreaker isn't attached to a smithing perk. However, you won’t be getting any of them easily – as should ever be the case with any good RPG, each one will require not just a considerable amount of level-grinding, but also a lengthy amount of time getting to grips with the world of Skyrim, and, more importantly, with precisely what style of play and type of character you’re most comfortable with. Below is a list of the top 15 best weapons to keep in your arsenal to be prepared for any battle. Its innate enchantment allows it to draw and fire thirty percent faster, loosing its arrows quicker than any other bow. The best weapons in Skyrim Special Edition Compliment your build with some of these top killing apparatus. Check out these mods for all the access you want! 15. Specifically, the Gloves of the Pugilist are found on the appropriately named Gian the Fist, who uses them for their unique fortify unarmed damage enchantment, which 15. In earnest, this likely goes a much longer way towards earning its spot on the list than its enchantment does, considering its very limited scope. Fittingly though, this is another weapon that can only be obtained through the Daedric questline as a reward for killing Logrolfin the “House of Horrors” quest. However, its low base damage compared to other options makes it less than optimal for the popular sneak attack sniper build that most archery based characters fall into. This weapon is obtained by completing the quest “Pieces of the Past” and killing Silus Vesuius (quest giver) upon completion. Among the best of these games include the classic Elder Scrolls Skyrim.

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